Well the 5 of us took off for Foxwoods at about 10a. It was a long drive, the navigator had short cuts that I didn't think were any too short. Anyway, on arrival, we headed to the slot machines, assigning a place to meet at 1p.
Pat, the cat lady(she has 10cats) got on a machine and didn't move. She was up a bit, but just kept on playing. (isn't that always the way). I met Kathy a few times, but we were not doing too much. We had already put in about as much as we wanted to with little success. Sheila, the world traveler, navigator and avid casino fan, was losing. We could tell by her walk, just no pep and averting her frustrated eyes. Of course, someone was lucky. The driver, Judy, had some luck. Kathy found me in the sea of blinking machines and said that Judy
hit for $2500. Drat, why couldn't that have been me. What machine was she on? How long was she playing? How much money did she start with? All the same questions that we all ask. She was happy enough. I would have been tripping out.
We went to Hard Rock for lunch.
Good enough food, but the prices were higher than the last time we were there. Can you imagine how much it costs to eat out? I did have a great drink, "Sex on the Beach", delicious, although I hadn't eaten anything until then and I got a bit woozy after drinking about half of it. I gave it to my friend to finish, but it was good. Anyway we designated another place to meet at 5p. I wanted to leave, it was my day off and I wanted to relax for a bit of the night. Also, Bethenny was on and I couldn't miss that.
So that was a pleasant enough day. I came home with more money than
I went with, and that made me happy. After lunch and all the other little things I spent money on, I felt I had a good day and was ahead.
When we got back to Kathy's (where we all met in the morning) we all headed home, but not without making a plan to do this again soon. Nice day, nice people.